香港賽馬會青少年科技創新大賽 2005-2006

Hong Kong Youth Science and Technology Innovation Contest 2005-2006 2006-05-02
香 港 青 少 年 科 技 創 新 大 賽 – 三 等 獎

Sound Walker has participated in the Hong Kong Youth Science and Technology Innovation Contest (香港賽馬會青少年科技創新大賽 ). Our school won the Third Award.

Other news about Sound Walker:
Sound Walker
1st-Runner up at Hong Kong Students Scinece Competition
Prizes at Shanghai International Youth Science and Technology Expo 
Champion at IT in Communications Contest 2005
Honourable Mention in My Favourite Inventions for Quality Living Competition 2005

The representatives of MFS are Chow Hin Chun and Law Tze Yin of F.2D.