
Bird feeder experiment

Having built several bird feeders for different purposes, I have found that observing how the birds use the feeders and collect more data which helps to understand their behaviour. There have been many experimental studies on bird feeder, not only to learn about the habits of birds, but also to train them to provide services. Birds are very intelligent than specially...

Citizen Science: Bird surveys

There are a number of regular bird surveys carried out in the UK. For example,  Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), The Garden Nesting Survey (GNS) are the projects involving citizen science concept. These projects invite everyone to become a citizen scientist and contribute their data. The data collected will be analysed by professionals in order to monitor the bird population, address the...

My picky birds

As mentioned in previous article, I was excited to start putting a bird feeder outside my window and DIY my own bird feeder, which is up to version 4 right now. Other than design of the bird feeder, bird food is a very important factor to attract birds. There are mainly four types of bird food: seeds, suet, peanuts and mealworms....

Organic farming: help the birds.

The number of birds decline gradually, including many well known and loved species such as the song thrush, skylark, lapwing and house sparrow. Most of the declining species are farmland birds. This phenomenon has not only happened in the UK, birds in the United States and Canada also have fallen by 29 percent since 1970. The disappearance of the birds is mainly...

Science of bird feeders

When I newly arrived the UK, I noticed that there are lots of different types of bird feeders selling in Poundland and Wilko. It is the first time heard about bird feeders. Hence, I did some search about bird feeders and found out that according to Biological Conservation, 87% of the UK homes have bird feeders. Each household spent around £0.35...


我想鼓勵一下有學習障礙的同學,讓他們知道 “You are not alone” 。其實,可能每個人都有不同的障礙,只是有的人很明顯,有的人很會隱藏,有的可能一生都沒涉足那方面的領域,所以沒發現障礙,同樣道理,也可能因而沒找到自己的長處。


好少會寫和工作沒關係的東西。有天發現2017年後已沒怎樣更新工作紀錄,不是因為學生沒比賽,而是因為我的心思重點沒有放在工作上。 從小,媽媽便會叫我讀好書、做好功課,爸爸希望我打好柔道。所以,我有努力讀書,考進香港大學。柔道比賽雖沒認真練習,也是比賽得獎常客。大學畢業啦! 我便按媽媽的願望,找一份穩定的工作。從教中文、數學,到當了電腦科科主任。再在科學比賽上找到工作的動力,到開發了科學研究科。一直都是努力工作,除了交六成以上人工家用外,也沒有很好的照顧家人,反倒是家人在我背後提供無限支持。


2018年5月,有一天,我突然覺得我我一生好像只是在工作再工作,覺得要為自己做點什麼!那做什麼呢? 一直努力的科學比賽是為學生,那我為自己做過什麼?叫人沮喪的是沒有什麼啊…想了幾秒! 覺得一定要為自己做點什麼!於是,我開始減重!每天做運動! 每天吃小一點! 一個假期下來…嘿嘿…不錯吧!


今天是江神父的生忌。他在2018年2月20日走了。 圖中是神父用他心愛的零件製作的Excellent Service 獎座,他送了兩個給我。 江神父是我人生中遇到的第一個神父。他對老師有要求也很愛學生。他總是對我說: Toto, well done!

屢敗屢戰 簡泳怡膺星之女

瑪利諾神父教會學校的簡泳怡同學在今年的英特爾國際科學與工程大獎賽(Intel ISEF)中取得二等獎,並得到「星之女」殊榮。今年就讀中四的簡同學已是第二次代表香港參加Intel ISEF,從中一開始進行研究,年僅15歲已是兩屆全國科技創新大賽一等獎得主並五次代表香港參加國際賽事。看似一帆風順,其實箇中辛酸不足為外人道。


帶學生參加了三次英特爾國際科學與工程大獎賽(Intel ISEF),三次學生也遇到很好的翻譯,在比賽日幫上很大的忙。因此,也下了決心報名當廣東話翻譯員幫助其他學生。大家可能會覺得香港學生都是用英語學習的,為什麼要翻譯員呢?那不是太小看學生的能力吧?香港學生一般都可流利用英語進行問辯,可是當評委用比較帶地區性的用字時,或一些評委的第一語言並非英語,那在溝通上便可能會出現一點障礙了。