Project-based Outreach Programme
Three teams of our students joined the Project-based Outreach Programme (以專題研習為本的外展計劃) organized by the Faculty of Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the mentors, Bert Leung, Iris Chu and Janet Chan. Team A: File Protector – 2nd Runner upThe team received a trophy and $600 book coupon.Chung Tin Lok (3D)...
城大新聞網 : 科學及工程學院外展計劃激發中學生創意
科學及工程學院舉辦的「以專題研習為本的外展計劃2008」激發中學生創意,把概念轉化為研究成果,其中包括音樂如何影響食慾的調查結果、為泳客和漁民設計的半自動救生衣和保護駕駛者的新一代汽車等。 外展計劃於9月20日圓滿結束。來自六間中學的36名學生組成八支隊伍,選擇感興趣的科學或工程專題,在香港城市大學(城大)教授及中學教師共同監督下,於5月至9月間進行實驗和研習。科學及工程學院的學生亦參加不同隊伍擔任「小老師」,協助進行研習。 瑪利諾神父教會學校的中一學生憑研發的加密軟件贏得冠軍。他們表示,在參加計劃前不太認識加密技術,也沒有編寫程式的經驗,起初對做這個項目有點擔心,但在兩名城大學長循循善誘下,經過努力學習,終於獲得成功。
Project-based Outreach Programme 2008
Two teams of our students joined the Project-based Outreach Programme (以專題研習為本的外展計劃) organized by the Faculty of Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the mentors, Bert Leung and Tommy Yang. Team A: Building an Encryption Machine (建造一台加密計算機器) –They received a trophy and $1000 book coupon.Chan Zhao Fa (2A)Chow Tin Lok (2A)Chung...
Project-based Outreach Programme
They setup the experiment with topic ”Relationship between plant and beverage” under supervision of CityU tutor and HK$3,000 sponsor provided by City University of Hong Kong. The TeamLeader :Yeung Chun Ting (5C)Member:Chan Yik Wan (5C)Lun Kai Yin (4D)Chan Wai Sin (2A)Fung Wing Yin (2B) The abstractPeople usually use water to water plants, it is because water has a natural pH value...
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