
Teaching students to tell the stories of science

Source: https://projects.croucher.org.hk/news/teaching-students-to-tell-the-stories-of-science Over some 20 years as a science teacher and, later, as panel head of the Science Research Department at Maryknoll Fathers’ School in Hong Kong, To Yuen-man has developed a passion for science communication. To Yuen-man (Croucher Science Communication Studentship 2020), whose first degree was in Computational Mathematics and Operations Research at the University of Hong Kong, has to...


「星之子」劉德誠、劉德健: 做自己人生的「科學家」 「星之女」簡泳怡: 人生有take 2

丹麥雜誌: Kaskelot

2018年10月16日,在丹麥認識的朋友(Anette gGervig)的朋友(Ulla Hjøllund Linderoth)來香港。她是生物學方面的,與家人來香港旅行,Dr Wong帶她和與女兒來學校看看我們的STEM。 我也教她們即場做一個 DIY 迷你顯微鏡,我有說是改良自泰國的。好回丹麥後,便教其他丹麥老師了。這個則面,影得我有點瘦。